Vine Fruit
Rich in iron and high in energy, raisins are the perfect naturally sweet treat. Did you know – grapes are in fact berries? They are a little more humble when compared to their cousin, blueberries, but do contain those magic berry ingredients called flavonoids or proanthocyanidins which assist our bodies to neutralise inflammation and balance our guts.
Instead of refined sugar, why not stir in some berry magic into oats porridge, your favourite biscuit or rusk recipe?
Tree Fruit
Prunes are a special type of dried plum. Their delicious sweet taste is the result of a type of ‘sugar’ called sorbitol. Fortunately for us, our digestive enzymes are unable to absorb this sugar. This is why sorbitol can be safely used to sweeten diet or diabetic treats.
Tree Fruit
Dried pears are a great Low GI snack. Pears are typically higher than most dried fruits in Dietary Fibre, this can promote improved digestion and gut health. This Dietary Fibre also serves as a growing medium for the millions of good bacteria we have in our digestive systems. Their diverse use can be enjoyed by the whole family. Freeze them over night for a chewy texture for a teething toodler, use strips to sustain your energy levels for endurance exercise, or simply add them into salads or kebab sticks.
Tree Fruit
Dried nectarines are a delightful source of chewy, sweetness that is sure to enhance your homemade trail mix, granola, oatmeal or breakfast cereal. Did you know that typically, when dried, they may have a lower than expected effect on blood sugar compared to the fresh alternative? This makes the dried form lower in calories. Dried nectarines are high in beta-carotene, which gives the fruit its vibrant orange-red hue, and gives the fruit added benefits. With no added sugar or sulphur, nectarines are a super nutritious snack.
Tree Fruit
Dried peaches are moist, golden and naturally sweet with no sugar added. Dried peaches won’t spike your blood sugar because they contain a sustainable source of natural sugar that’s easier on your system.
Did you now, dried peaches have 50% or more protein than most dried fruit?
Tree Fruit
Apricots, like prunes, have a delicious sweet taste as the result of a type of ‘sugar’ called sorbitol. Fortunately for us, our digestive enzymes are unable to absorb this sugar. This is why sorbitol can be safely used to sweeten diet or diabetic treats. And if you need to boost your digestive system function, Apricots will do the trick.
Tree Fruit
Dried apples are a great way to enjoy this popular fruit. Dried apples naturally contain a particular type of fibre called pectin. Pectin is linked to several emerging benefits, including lower cholesterol and improved blood sugar control. Pectin can also be considered a valuable of different type of fibre by supporting micro-organisms found in our gut of particular importance to people who may experience gut issues.
Why not chop, soak and blend into wholegrain muffin mixes or cookie dough or other baked goods to enhance fibre content and nutritional quality?